氏名(漢字) |
Andrew C. Elliott |
氏名(カナ) |
アンドリュー C. エリオット |
氏名(ローマ字) |
Andrew C. Elliott |
性別 |
男 |
生年月日 |
研究室 |
研究室電話番号 |
研究室FAX番号 |
メールアドレス |
aelliott@dwc.doshisha.ac.jp |
- 1.Loss, Liberation, and Laughter: Reimagining the Perry Mission in Recent Japanese Popular Culture. In "Crossing Cultural Boundaries in East Asia and Beyond" (Reiko Maekawa, Darwin H. Stapleton, and Roberta Wollons, eds.) Brill 11-44 2021/02
- 2.British Travel Writing and the Japanese Interior, 1854-99. In The British Abroad Since the Eighteenth Century: Travellers and Tourists (Martin Farr and Xavier Guegan, eds.) Palgrave Macmillan Vol. 1 197-216 2013/11
- 3.Ito and Isabella in the Contact Zone: Interpretation, Mimicry and "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan." In "Researching Twenty-First Century Japan" (Timothy Iles and Peter Matanle, eds.) Lexington Books 265-278 2012
- 4.Travel: The Beats as Globetrotters. In "Beat Culture : Lifestyles, Icons, and Impact" (William T. Lawlor, ed.) ABC-CLIO 354-356 2005
- 6.Diplomatic and Other Intercourse in Treaty Port Japan: The Roles, Writings, and Representation of Townsend Harris Pacific Gateways: International Symposium on English Literature and the Pacific Ocean, 1760-1914 Ito International Research Centre, University of Tokyo 2017/11
- 7.On another home front: Tourism Propaganda and Anglophone Travelogues from the Second Sino-Japanese War, 1937-41 Two-way Tickets: Travel, Home, and War Conference Wolfson College, University of Oxford 2017/06
- 8.Distance and Dis/Orientation: Anglophone travelogues and the representation of wars in East Asia, 1894-5 and 1937-41 観光、戦争、および近代日本に関する第2回の国際ワークショップ 同志社女子大学 (京都) 2017/01
- 9.Disorientating travel: Anglophone writing and war in Asia, 1937-41 観光、日本、およびアジア・太平洋戦争に関する国際ワークショップ 同志社女子大学 (京都) 2016/6
- 10.Retracing "Unbeaten Tracks" in Japan Isabella Bird and the Poetics of Female Travel Writing International Symposium University of Tokyo 2015/06
- 11."How to deal with Japan": Interior Travel and Anglophone Attempts to Write Japan, 1853-1899 Japan in the Eyes of Others: Receptions of Japanese Culture and Society in the West International Workshop Seikei University (Tokyo) 2015/05
- 12.Travelling Towards War: Anglophone Accounts of East Asia, 1937-1941 The Eighteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) Sophia University (Tokyo) 2014/06
- 13.'Meeting the Japanese' in Auden and Isherwood's "Journey to a War" Travel Ideals: Engaging with Spaces of Mobility (The Inaugural Conference of the Travel Research Network) University of Melbourne 2012/7
- 14.Towards the Interior 第41回英語英文学夏期公開講座 同志社女子大学英語英文学会 同志社女子大学 2011/7
- 15.Writing "the Real": Isabella Bird, Lafcadio Hearn, and the Japanese Interior From the Grand Tour to Mass Tourism: The Modern History of the British Abroad International Conference Newcastle University 2010/3
- 16.Shooting and 'Survival of the Fittest' in Henry Craven St. John's "Notes and Sketches from the Wild Coasts of Nipon" "On the Road: Writing Travel and Travellers International Conference" at Centre of Advanced Study in English Jadavpur University, Kolkata 2008/11
- 17.The Open Question and the Opening of Japan: Hospitality and "Narrative of [the Perry] Expedition" Twelth Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) Rikkyo University 2008/6